Deploy your app with docker and docker-compose - Part 2

13 minute read

So we developed that app locally. It’s pretty! Or maybe it’s not. Let’s deploy it anyway!

This builds on a previous blog post on how to set up a development environment with docker-compose.
Our starting point is a dockerized development environment for a single page application with a Python Flask backend.

If you don’t even want to read this but want to check the final setup, you can just clone the repository.


  1. Overview
  2. Image size matters
  3. Backend dockerfile and uwsgi configuration
  4. Nginx dockerfile
  5. Using several docker-compose files
  6. Optimizations (leaner, faster or just better)

    1. Base images and dockerfiles
    2. Dockerignore
    3. More production settings: logging and restart policies
  7. Deploying with docker-machine
  8. Conclusion


In development we had:

  • A javascript development server (webpack-dev-server in our cases) serving our index.html and JavaScript files.
  • A backend server - the Flask development server.
  • A database.

In production:

  1. We can’t keep the javascript development server. So we need to find someone to serve our index.html file and the javascript bundles.
  2. We need to use a Python server that is meant to be used in production. Popular choices include gunicorn and uWSGI.

We solve both points by using an nginx server to serve our static files (index.html and the JavaScript bundles) and proxy to our Python server.

What we will do:

  • Write nginx.dockerfile to build our nginx image.
  • Add configuration for the Python server of our choice. I picked uWSGI.
  • Connect all of this in our docker-compose configuration.

Image size matters

Deployment introduces new concerns that are non-existent when developing locally.
For instance the image size starts to matter much more, since you often need to push your custom images to docker registries.

Pushing a 1GB image over the network can take a long time or a very long time (Depending on your internet connection)1.
Incidentally, lighter images also mean faster deployments.

Ways to reduce the image size include:

  1. Using the .dockerignore file correctly.
  2. Using smaller base images - like alpine instead of ubuntu.
  3. Chaining commands in dockerfiles to avoid creating extra cache layers in the docker image (which take space).
  4. Using multi-stage builds where relevant.

We will use all 4 of these. These techniques are used by a number of people, so you won’t be on your own when facing a problem (Google!).

Backend dockerfile and uwsgi configuration

We don’t want to use the flask development server in production, here we will use uWSGI.

It’s important to note that the dockerfile does not need to change. Our application is the same, the only difference is how we launch it.

We need a configuration file to run uWSGI, mine looks like:



# socket is meant to be used with nginx (not directly)
socket = :3033
master = 1
module =
callable = app
processes = 2
threads = 2
stats = :9099
pidfile =

The part that makes it run is the combination of module and callable to locate our app. socket will also be used later on.

Now we can change command in our compose file to run with uwsgi:

      command: uwsgi --ini /app/uwsgi.ini
        - QUIZ_ENV=production

Note that you do need to rebuild the image after adding uwsgi to your requirements.txt.

Nginx dockerfile

In this dockerfile we will:

  • Build our javascript bundles.
  • Install nginx and copy our custom configuration.


# This image will contain the javascript code as well since it's nginx serving it.
# Using multi-stage docker build for a smaller final image.
FROM node:9.5 AS jsbuilder

COPY ./client /client
WORKDIR /client

RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

# Multi-stage means the build context needs to be the same, that's a bit disappointing (coupling!)...
FROM nginx:1.13.9-alpine

COPY deploy/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

COPY --from=jsbuilder /client/dist/ app/

We are using multi-stage builds so everything we do until the second FROM won’t be part of the final image, except the files we COPY --from.
That means we don’t need to have npm and the thousands of node_modules in the image that we will deploy. Nice!

To see how big of a win this is we can compare the image size with the image obtained from building just the first part:

FROM node:9.5

COPY ./client /client
WORKDIR /client

RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

Build it and check image size:

$ docker build -f deploy/test_multistage.dockerfile -t test_multistage ./
$ docker images
REPOSITORY             TAG        IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
test_multistage        latest     d08b336471a9        3 seconds ago       843MB

If we compare this with our image size using multi-stage builds:

deployappdocker_nginx_1   tutorial/nginx_front   latest        2bc2b1d6aa10   10.2 MB

This is a HUGE difference to your life and sanity as the developer hitting the deploy button.

Disclaimer: this is a bit of an unfair comparison. Without multi-stage builds we could have used a smaller base image than node:9.5 (node-alpine for minimal effort). But then we would have had to install nginx on this base image.
Here we get the best of both worlds.

We are still missing our nginx configuration file. Deep breath:


# prevent from exiting in container
#daemon off;  # This is already passed as command line by the nginx dockerfile entrypoint.
worker_processes auto;

pid /run/;

events {
    worker_connections 512;

http {
    # Basic Settings

    # sendfile off in dev for no keepalive_timeout 65;
    # sendfile does not play nice with docker/VMs and cache disabling.
    sendfile off;
    types_hash_max_size 2048;

    include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type application/octet-stream;

    # SSL Settings
    ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; # Dropping SSLv3, ref: POODLE
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;

    # Logging Settings
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

    # Gzip Settings
    gzip on;
    gzip_disable "msie6";

    gzip_vary on;
    gzip_proxied any;
    gzip_comp_level 6;
    gzip_buffers 16 8k;
    # minimum http version required for us to use compression
    gzip_http_version 1.1;
    gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;

    server {
        error_log /var/log/nginx/file.log debug;

        listen          80 default_server;

        # First we try to serve the files directly (like static images or the js files).
        # If we cant we redirect to our app.
        # root should be out of location block
        root /app;
        location = / {
            # index causes a redirect so the request will be handled in the next block (as if we hit /app/index.html)
            index index.html;
        location / {
            try_files $uri @app;

        location @app {
            include uwsgi_params;
            # Using docker-compose linking.
            uwsgi_pass web:3033;

What’s important in there:

  1. Compression is enabled, so our javascript files will be much smaller on the network (faster load time for our app).
  2. The docker-related part is in the final line: uwsgi_pass web:3033. This is docker-compose magic again: it sets up a network with all our containers, making them reachable using their service name.
  3. I’m not an nginx expert, this is probably not the best configuration you can get (I adapted it from the uWSGI docs).

What’s not in there, but is even more important: you can build and test your production setup locally.

When you do this make sure to add a volume to synchronize your nginx.conf file (in the same way we use a volume for the python code) so you don’t need to rebuild every time you tweak the configuration.
Also beware that single-file volumes have quirks, make it a directory.

Using several docker-compose files

We could have a new file with all our production configuration.
However docker-compose can combine several files into one, which helps avoiding copy-pasted settings.

We will have three files:

  • docker-compose.yml for the configuration that is shared between development and production.
  • docker-compose.override.yml for development-specific configuration.
  • docker-compose.production.yml for production-specific configuration.

This means we will run our commands by explicitly passing the -f [config-filename] option.
If this option is left out, docker-compose defaults to the docker-compose.yml file in the current directory.

Note that docker-compose.override.yml is a special file and will be loaded by docker-compose by default.

# The two following commands are equivalent:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up
docker-compose up

# This command is different as it won't use the `.override.yml` file
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Overall you can assume docker-compose is ‘smart’ about merging files.
At any point if you are unsure how the files are merged you can check it with:

docker-compose [-f docker-compose.yml] [-f] config

So the first step is to move all development-specific configuration from docker-compose.yml to docker-compose.override.yml. We end up with a stripped-down docker-compose.yml file:


version: '3'
      image: docker-tutorial/web
        context: ./
        dockerfile: deploy/web.dockerfile
        - SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql://postgres:postgres@db:5432
        # Making production the default.
        - QUIZ_ENV=production
      image: postgres:10.2-alpine
        - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
        - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres


# This file adds volumes for development use. docker-compose merges them in a 'smart' way.
version: '3'
      image: docker-tutorial/front
        context: ./
        dockerfile: deploy/front.dockerfile
      command: npm run dev
        - ./client:/app
        - "8080:8080"
        - "5000:5000"
      command: python runserver
        - ./:/app
        - QUIZ_ENV=development
          - "5432:5432"

Notable changes:

  • We don’t need the frontend development server in production: this is dev-specific.
  • We don’t want to expose ports outside of the docker network in production.
    It could be ok to expose the ports, as long as they are not exposed to the internet (blocked by some firewall/cloud provider rules). We’re being extra cautious here which is a good thing when your PostgreSQL credentials are postgres/postgres.
  • Volumes for code are only relevant for development. Our images contain the code that will run in production (we copy it during the build).
    Using volumes might actually break our deployment: if we mount volumes but our code does not live on the host, we might override the code in the image with whatever the directory on the host contains.

Now the production-specific configuration:

version: '3'
      image: docker-tutorial/nginx_front
        context: ./
        dockerfile: deploy/nginx.dockerfile
        - "80:80"
        - web  # not optional, nginx crashes if it does not find web. It checks hostname in the startup phase.
        # Fix this:
      command: uwsgi --ini /app/uwsgi.ini
        - QUIZ_ENV=production
        - /quizdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Nothing extraordinary here, note that:

  • We add the nginx service which is production-only.
  • The command to start our web backend service has changed to use uwsgi.
  • We use a volume for our database container. This is required to persist data through container removal.
    Your data will live on the host machine just like with a regular database.

Optimizations (leaner, faster or just better)

Base images and dockerfiles

Our current web image is pretty big:

$ docker-compose images web
      Container             Repository         Tag       Image Id      Size 
deployappdocker_web_1   docker-tutorial/web   latest   2bc106c2edfd   704 MB

We will change the base image to use the alpine distribution to cut the image size down to 250MB.

Our new dockerfile:


FROM python:3.6-alpine3.7

RUN apk add --update gcc postgresql-dev && \
  apk add musl-dev && \
  # Required by uWSGI
  apk add linux-headers

# WORKDIR creates the directory if necessary.

ADD ./requirements.txt ./

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

ADD ./ /app

CMD python

And the image size is much lower:

REPOSITORY                 TAG        IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
docker-tutorial/web        latest     6ebfb51e26f7        42 seconds ago      249MB

Notice how we also used an alpine-based image for our nginx image.

If we look at docker images, we can see the official python:3.6 image our web image was previously based on:

python  3.6                              c1e459c00dc3        2 months ago        692MB

So our base image was already huge: we could not have gotten significant improvements without changing it.

The alpine distribution we picked is very popular to build images, as it is extremely lightweight.
This comes at a cost of some building annoyances: we have to use a new package manager and all the tools we take for granted (like bash) are not on the image.


This is a cheap win.

The .dockerignore file is just like a .gitignore except it applies to the docker build context.
The build context is passed to the image during docker build:

# 154MB is a big context - takes time to load and it will all end up in your image if you `ADD ./`.
$ docker build -f deploy/test_multistage.dockerfile -t test_multistage ./
Sending build context to Docker daemon    154MB

Also all ADD and COPY instructions are relative to the build context, so you might end up copying irrelevant files into your image.
Here’s a basic .dockerignore:


# This is for Jetbrains IDE config files

If we try to rebuild our test image afterwards, it will start much faster:

$ docker build -f deploy/test_multistage.dockerfile -t test_multistage ./
Sending build context to Docker daemon  4.409MB

That’s it. One file and the benefits can be huge.

Ideally we would ignore client/ when building web since it does not need it. This would save us about 4MB here.
However if we add it to the .dockerignore it will also be ignored when building our nginx service, which is not what we want.

I don’t know how to solve this without moving the dockerfiles in different folders, adding directory-specific .dockerignore files and changing the build contexts accordingly. If you have a better solution, please do let me know!

More production settings: logging and restart policies

Let’s try our best to look professional. We can:

  1. Add logging to our app with file rotation so the log files don’t grow indefinitely.
  2. Make sure our app goes back up if the mean people from AWS reboot our instance.

This is just more docker-compose config. Here’s the final file:

version: '3'
      image: docker-tutorial/nginx_front
        context: ./
        dockerfile: deploy/nginx.dockerfile
        - "80:80"
        - web  # not optional, nginx crashes if it does not find web. It checks hostname in the startup phase.
        # Fix this:
      logging: &logging
        driver: "json-file"
          # Rotate the files when they reach max-size.
          max-size: "200k"
          max-file: "10"
      restart: always
      command: uwsgi --ini /app/uwsgi.ini
        - QUIZ_ENV=production
        <<: *logging
      restart: always
        <<: *logging
      restart: always
        - /quizdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data


  • The json-file driver is the default. You could use another plugin to write logs directly to aws cloudwatch or send them to some GELF endpoint. Here’s an article on this from a great blog.
  • In docker-compose version: '3' (that we are using), there’s also a restart_policy setting.
    restart_policy is the only one taken into account when deploying in swarm mode.
    I feel it’s clearer to use restart since we are not using swarm.
  • I included some yaml goodness with the logging anchor to avoid triplicating our config.

Deploying with docker-machine

docker-machine is probably the simplest option for a simple, single-machine deployment.

Sorry, there’s some administrative work to do here. Requirements:

  1. An installation of docker-machine. I recommend installing the bash completion and prompt as well.
  2. An aws/google cloud/digital ocean account with programmatic access configured on your machine. Or your own server (use the generic driver).

Creating an instance:

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-open-port 80 aws-sandbox  

You can swap the driver for your favorite cloud provider.
Here docker-machine will provision an ubuntu ec2 instance for us, install docker on it and make sure port 80 traffic is allowed in the AWS security group.

Then we run:

eval $(docker-machine env aws-sandbox)

and from now on (in our current shell), all docker commands we run will point to the ec2 instance.

# build still works as if you ran it locally, but the images are created on the remote instance.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f build    
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

That’s it, our app is running in production!

Some additional useful commands to work with docker-machine:

docker-machine ip aws-sandbox
docker-machine ssh aws-sandbox
# Deactivate the docker-machine environment
eval $(docker-machine env -u)


Once everything is in place it takes less than two minutes to get a new version of the app live (on an incremental build, not on first deployment).

That’s it! Check out the code on github and features an amazing single-page application deployed using this setup.

  1. Here we will use docker-machine so things are a bit different and we won’t be pushing images through the network. 
